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Booker T. Washington High School, named for the famous educator, opened in September 1924 under the auspices of the Atlanta Board of Education, with the late Charles Lincoln Harper as principal. It is the first public high school for African-Americans in the state of Georgia and the Atlanta Public Schools. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1927, the only exact replica of the Booker T. Washington monument at Tuskegee University in Alabama was erected at the school's entrance. Washington High School operated as three small schools within a school from 2009 until 2014 with specialties in the areas of Banking & Finance, Health Science, and Early College. On August 12, 2013, the Atlanta Board of Education passed a resolution restoring Booker T. Washington to one comprehensive high school with one principal and is now under the leadership of Dr. Angela Coaxum-Young. Our school started our STEM signature program in as a cohort model and expanded our STEM program school wide in 2019. Our school is a Title I school in Atlanta, Georgia with African American students receiving 100% free & reduced lunch.


Type: Public, grades 9-12; Title 1 (100% Economically Disadvantaged)


Location:  Booker T. Washington High School is located in Southwest Atlanta, Georgia, a city of 450,000 people in a metropolitan area of approximately 5.5 million residents.  The school is a part of the Atlanta Public Schools.


Enrollment: 849

Ethnic Demographics:  African American (98 %); Hispanic (<2%); White (<1%); Not Hispanic (<1%); Multi-racial (<1%)


Our STEM programs mission is embodying the legacy of our namesake, Booker T. Washington we will empower “legacy builders” to be critical thinkers who use STEM concepts to solve real world problems. Our STEM programs vision is to promote a challenging learning environment which maximizes individual potential and equips “legacy builders” to be STEM contributors in agriculture for the community and the world around them.   


Our school continues to make history in STEM as we will be the first urban agriculture program in which all students participating in the Booker T. Washington High School AgStTEM Program will engage the agriculture industry utilizing the experiential learning model. Through connected partnerships, students will matriculate through the program from conception through construction. A distinct characteristic of the program is the intentional infusion of industry experts to support the learning experiences. Industry experts will serve as our educational partners and lead lessons and experiences that increase student proficiency levels. In addition, all Booker T. Washington students will earn the Ga State offered CTAE Pathway completion certification in Agriculture of Aquaculture Leadership with the option available to dually certify in any of the other STEM pathways offered such as Healthcare, Culinary Arts, Computer Science or more.


Our educational partners will influence the following courses through projects or lessons connected to the course learning objectives.

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Website Created and designed by: Carrie Dean & Chanel Cobey---2020-2021 COGNIA STEM Initial Certification 

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