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Standard 7: Project Based and Inquiry Learning

STEM K12 7: Students engage collaboratively in authentic inquiry during ongoing units of study.

Our Story

At Washington High School, we create and foster opportunities for students to  engage collaboratively in authentic inquiry in their classes. As our STEM program has grown to be school inclusive, it has been our philosophy that Washington High  educators teach students to work together collaboratively and find solutions all while being innovative. We have also had students engage in a variety of STEM challenges to create opportunities for classroom teachers to provide an environment and a tool where students can solve a complex problem and address everyday challenges in creative ways. These STEM challenges have been occurred within various individual classrooms but also have been hosted by our various business and industry partners. Teachers also have the autonomy to create mini project/problem based learning activities to ensure students are consistently exposed to a new way of seeing and operating in the world. As a design thinker students practice human-centered observation, critical research and analysis, innovation, and experimentation. Student work is also conducted using the Engineering Design Process as well as the Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning protocol as they design and create solutions to problems. The Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) is a writing strategy that can develop a student’s analytical thinking and argumentative writing skills to turn that “I don’t know” into “aha, so that’s why we got those results in the lab.” Inquiry learning also allows students to refine their thoughts and thinking. They receive guidance and support from their teachers. Teacher also model inquiry learning with the students and as they have discussions that allow students to critique one another’s work for improvement.



Opportunities for Growth

Because numeracy and literacy are a focal point at our school, we want to look for ways to scaffold our STEM engagement for students instructionally. We recognize we have some struggling learners that could most benefit from having more directed and guided inquiry models. This directed inquiry can provide our lower-level students with a foundation to learn and practice inquiry. Once they master this, we can then transition to a more guided inquiry model in which students have another opportunity to practice skills of inquiry with independence and they are encouraged to think of multiples scenarios and helps foster and improve student confidence.


Students are immersed into a variety of activities, lessons and extra-curricula opportunities to engage in true Problem, Project and Inquiry learning!

Science Fair

Healthcare Science Fair

Project Based Learning (student work Samples)

Biz Wiz Tech Challenge

Bix WizChallenge.png

Tuskegee Entrepreneurship Competition

Culinary Arts 

Atomic Robotic Dogs --FRC (First Robotics Competition) TEAM 6177


STEM Challenges/Toyota Mobility Challenge

Four freshman STEM students were top finalists in a Toyota Engineering Mobility Challenge. Students from all over the state of Georgia had to pilot innovative ideas for a human centered design solutions. The STEM focused project was on building empathy, understanding user needs, the creation of prototypes as well as entrepreneurship. Special Congrats to the following students: Montazja Griffin, Charles Muhammad, Miguel Rodriquez, and Amiriyah Todd.



Design Thinking Challenge

With an emphasis on empathy and testing ideas, the principles of design thinking are useful no matter your background, major, or future career aspirations.

Honor Code with Students


STEM Dreams by Lexus

  •  The DREAMING OUT LOUD S.T.E.A.M. TEEN EXPERIENCE was a new partnership that is being hosted by Youth Challenge, Inc. Atlanta.  This program focuses on engaging students with STEM related careers. Students participated in several STEM exhibits and spoke with a panel of minority STEM professionals

STEM dream by Lexus.png

Each one Reach one

Partnership with Grady Hospital, Students attend a weekly session with physicians and surgeons as a part of a 6 week program. Students experience hands on opportunities as they shadow doctors with patients and even in surgeries!

​Rubric-Self-Assessment Evaluation

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Website Created and designed by: Carrie Dean & Chanel Cobey---2020-2021 COGNIA STEM Initial Certification 

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